Monday, April 30, 2007


Optical illusions have a lot to do with what people expect to see, but given time there people can see that there is a whole new meaning to an image then first thought. Take the example of the bird holding a man, or is it a man in a boat catching a large fish? Simply flipping the image changes the whole meaning of the image.

Perfect Squares
To be honest i am not totally sure on how this works, but if take the focus of the squares the lines form crosses and other squares besides the obvious ones, the boundaries of the squares are formed by the corners of the crosses and these hidden squares. Because of the fact that the boundaries of the squares are made from corners of other shapes, the squares are askew.

Stare at the black dot long enough and the grey starts to disappear.
This optical illusion uses focus of a persons eye, as a person looks more and more intently at an object, the dimmer and out of focus everything else becomes, thus the appearance that the grey is fading away.

How many legs can you see?

Optical illusion has everything to do with tricking the eye, four legs are expected on an elephant, the shading on the empty spaces were the legs would usually be, but the legs are actually in the spaces between were the legs would usually be giving the impression of many legs.

Man caught by bird or a man catching a big fish?

An optical illusion like this takes practice and planning to create, it is not a simple as at first seems and is not a product of luck, the creator as to constantly check to see if both sides of the image make sense.

What do you see, 13 or B?

This optical illusion uses numbers and text to trick the eye, what people expect to see in reading across is a B, when they read down a 13. People see what they want to see, they expect what is normal, and only notice what truly is if they look closely.

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